About Us
Pow Wow Film Studios
Our facility’s four re-recording mixing stages are capable of all
popular mixing formats including theatrical 3D Audio, 7.1., 5.1 and 12.0
IMAX and now featuring Dolby Atmos 7.1.2 including ADR stage with
Source Connect.
Our two online grading suites including DaVinci, Avid and Premiere
are built to take on any sized project, with high speed fibre NBN
connectivity, DCP authoring and television mastering.

Chris Fitz-Gibbon
Founder / Director
In 2009, Chris purchased the property at 190 Pacific Highway North Sydney and starting a 4 year build to create Pow Wow Film Studios.

Peter Purcell
Sound Designer / Re-Recording Mixer
Peter Purcell is one of Australia’s leading re-recording mixers. Peter is Sound supervisor and partners in Pow Wow Film Studios.

Jarryd Hall CSI
Colourist / Cinematographer
Jarryd Hall CSI is a full-time colourist and cinematographer, creating content for cinema, television, commercial and the web.

Steve Balbi
Music Production / Writer Producer
Steve Balbi is a seriously well respected force in the music industry. Steve has written and produced music on Feature films such as Moulin Rouge.